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Listed below are some of the main services and resources Freedom Connection Recovery Center has available. Click on "Monthly Calendar" above to view all current offerings available.
Recovery Meetings

Ongoing weekly meetings to provide community a safe space for recovering addicts to network and find support and encouragement from others walking the same path.


Click on "Monthly Calendar" above to see what is scheduled each month.

Referral to Treatment

We can refer community members with Substance Use Disorder to appropriate treatment facilities.

Life Skills Classes

We offer Life Skills Classes, such as basic computer skills, keyboarding, personal finance, nutrition, interview skills, role playing, and time management.


​Click on "Monthly Calendar" above to see what is scheduled each month.

Sober Social Events

Sober Social events may be held throughout the month that offer a way to connect and build community in a safe, sober environment.


Click on "Monthly Calendar" above to see what is scheduled each month.

Community Awareness

Community meetings will be held once a month on a rotating basis in Sullivan County to present information designed to educate and increase awareness of what addiction is and what it is not.


Click on "Monthly Calendar" above to see what is scheduled each month.

Connection to Social Services

Freedom Connection Recovery Center will maintain a comprehensive, technological database of all social, medical, treatment and advocacy services available in the county, region and state to utilize in assisting recovering addicts on their recovery journey.

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) Program

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a step-by-step treatment strategy designed to enhance self-image, promote growth of a positive, productive identity, and facilitate the development of higher stages of moral reasoning.


MRT increases social support, and gives participants more perceived control over their lives.


MRT is widely recognized as an "Evidence-Based Practice" as well as a "Best Practice" by numerous official governmental agencies and treatment authorities.


Finding Your Way Home is a brief version of MRT. 


For more information, attend a weekly Open Forum Meeting held on Wednesday's at FCRC, 16 South Court St, Sullivan, IN 47882 or call 812-780-2020.

Family Support
Safe, Sober Space

We host Co-Dependency Training, Family Support Groups (Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Support Groups).


Click on "Monthly Calendar" above to see what is scheduled each month.

Freedom Connection Recovery Center has a "Clubhouse" type of space where recovering addicts will be welcome any time to come and hang out, have a snack, watch TV, have access to computers to apply for jobs, do research, check email, pay bills, and in general, be safe. Active users will not share this space.

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